Exam Prep 考試預備
Students showcase the skills they have learnt at Star English through excelling in accredited exams. We maintain a 100% pass rate with high levels of Distinctions and top marks. These exams demonstrate levels of achievement and are a useful addition to all students’ portfolios.
學生透過報考全球認可的考試來展示他們於 Star English 學習的英語水平,我們多年來持續保持100%合格率,更有大量學生考獲優異級成績;這些卓越的成績是學生最大的學習成果,而這張全球認可的證書也是一份非常值得存放於學生學習記錄冊內的重要資料。
Starters (K2 - K3)
Movers (K2 - K3)
Flyers (p1 - P2)
KET (P3 - P4)
PET (P4 - P5)
IELTS (S1 - S6)
Grade 1 (K2 - P1)
Grade 2 (K2 - P1)
Grade 3 (P2 - P3)
GradeS 4 - 12 (P4 - S6)
CLass levels 年紀
K2 - S6