Courses 課程
Achieve all-rounded expertise in English with our 5 Point Star Curriculum™
We have developed a unique staged approach to achieving the highest standards of English usage. Our students develop real ability in all areas of English language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and further develop these skills to become competent critical thinkers and problem solvers, participating in debates and excelling in liberal studies.
Students progress through the levels to achieve advanced learning goals appropriate for each individual. Each curriculum level enriches content taught at regular schools, and our professional and qualified team of native English-speaking teachers ensure that students go far beyond rote learning and become highly skilled and effective learners.
我們發展了一套獨特及高標準的課程來訓練學生的英語運用能力;我們的學生於四個英語學習範疇包括聽、講、讀、寫均有極佳表現,透 過辯論和通才教育,讓他們成為一個能幹又富批判思維的思想家自我解決問題。