About us 關於我們
Star English is dedicated to teaching children English language skills. Our focus is on teaching English to native and non-native speakers, covering phonics, reading comprehension, grammar, writing, critical thinking, liberal studies, and spoken English. We also prepare students for the English exams of Cambridge University and Trinity College, London. Classes are taught in our learning centres by professional native English-speaking teachers in a relaxed and creative learning atmosphere.
At Star English learning centres we recognise that memorisation and rote learning are not enough to prepare your child for today’s competitive world. As well as technical language ability, Star English helps your child to problem solve, think critically, and communicate effectively. Our classes use exciting teaching methods to help children learn according to our ongoing philosophy of teaching within an imaginative environment. Our small class sizes give children plenty of opportunities to interact with teachers and other students.
Our English courses are for children and teens aged three to 16 years, and assessments are available to determine which course is the most suitable for your child’s needs.
Star English equips your child with academic skills, social skills, and life skills:
The market leader with an excellent reputation for quality English language learning
Curriculum developed by education experts and continually reviewed and improved
Courses delivered by creative and professional native English-speaking teachers
Students make rapid progress and improvement as they learn with us
Courses taught in a happy, creative, and imaginative environment
An international learning environment, with a mix of nationalities and cultures
Star English was established in 2005. It is part of the KG Group which has been operating since 1996 and is an award-winning children’s arts and language education organisation, with an excellent reputation for providing caring, imaginative, and educational classes.
Star English 明星研習中心主要教授英語技巧,課程包括拼音、閱讀理解、文法、寫作、批判思考、通識教育和會話,另提供劍橋小學英語考試及英國倫敦聖三一學院英語口語考試預備課程。資深的導師安排充滿創意的課程,讓你的子女在輕鬆的環境下學習英語。
Star English 課程可提升學術、社交及生活技巧
作為市場領導者,Star English 擁有教授優質英語的良好信譽
學生在我們的指導下,進步迅速- 學生在開心、富有創意和幻想空間的環境下學習
Star English 明星研習中心於2005年成立,由 KG Group 開辦及營運。自1996年起,KG Group 已獲得多個兒童藝術及語言教學獎項,贏得良好的信譽。